Industry Insights

4 Quick Tips for Planning Your Digital Signage for the New Year

December 12, 2023
Industry Insights

We are staring at the end of another year (2023) and the start of a new is fast approaching (2024). Now is a great time to review the state of your current digital signage network and how it sits compared to your original vision and objectives.

Far too often, digital signage is a forgotten asset within an organization. Here are 4 steps to evaluate at the end of each year to ensure your digital signage continues to be a valuable toolset within your organization.

#1) Review your current digital signage network. Do you have any end-points that are nearing warranty coverage? Are there any end-points that have issues that can not be resolved remotely and are needing service? Are there any requests for new end-points? Lastly, survey your audience and capture feedback on what you can do to improve the user experience from your digital signage network.

#2) Plan. With the information gathered in step #1, set the plan for 2024. Decide what is “mission critical” and what needs addressed first. Then, work the plan for the balance of the action items. Include any necessary teams, such as marketing, IT, or Sales, that can facilitate the improvements from your audience survey.

#3) Now that you have the plan, It’s time to get budget approved. Knowing what you need for the total year and quarter by quarter, this gives you great insight on how/when to inform leadership on when you’ll need the funding to achieve your goals.

#4) Take Action. It’s quite simple. Many times plans are set on the back burner. Don’t let this be your organization and let the power of digital signage fade. See the plan all the way through.

If you need help reviewing the status of your digital signage network or walking through any of the above steps, our team at Coffman Media is happy to help in this process. You can always reach us at

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