5 Critical Reasons To Add Digital Signage to Manufacturing Facilities
As of December 2022, there are 12.93 million manufacturing workers in the United States, accounting for 8.45% of the workforce. All of these employees require safety assurance, the most up to date information, and to feel a part of the team.
How can you deliver those things in the best way possible, especially now amongst a socially distant environment that is uncharted territory to all of us? It starts with using a non-traditional method of communication.
Why Don't Traditional Methods of Communication Work?
Communication has changed dramatically over the years. From phone calls to emails to texts, slack messages, pings, social media messages, and intranets, it is an ever evolving line. It is reported by DMR that the average worker receives approximately 121 emails per day.

That is a lot of emails, and doesn't include any other form of communication we just mentioned. Employees are inundated with information to say the least, but it especially makes the process of getting this information to manufacturing workers even more difficult, and here's why:
1) Facility floors are loud. PA and intercom systems don’t work, and it's harder to hear ringing phones and text notifications on the floor than in an office.
2) No consistent communication tool is used to reach all employees. As we spoke about above, and didn't even hit on all of the different tools for communication, it is very inconsistent throughout workplaces. While back office may use one, the floor may not have access to that tool while they are in production all day.
3) High turnover rate. Manufacturing facilities often have high turnover rates or use contractors for specific projects or portions of what they are doing. With a revolving door of people in and out of the facility, it makes it more difficult to streamline communication.

4) Workers are assigned to specific areas. If you have emails as your main method of communication but someone is assigned to a specific place on the manufacturing floor, they may not have access to a desktop or to their email at all. They are assigned to a specific area that does not give them the flexibility that someone who has direct access to a computer has.
5) There are different shifts. Someone on a specific shift may encounter things differently than another shift. When news is presented, how it's presented, and the overall flow of that shift may create different opportunities to check in on communication.
As you can see, communication can be quite a daunting task within a manufacturing company. So what is the non-traditional form of communicating that could solve the problem? Enter, digital signage.
Digital Signage & Manufacturing
Digital signage is a dynamic method of communication that delivers your message to your audience. It can range from small conference room signage to large scale video walls and everything in between.
The best part for manufacturers is that there are options for commercial grade displays that can withstand being on the floor and they can be placed so that workers can view them easily.
There are many advantages to adding digital signage to a manufacturing facility and we are going to go through 9 critical reasons digital signage should be added.
- Versatility. Place displays in lobbies, break rooms, conference rooms, and directly on the factory floor, even across multiple locations. The point is, put it where the people are so that they don't have to go seeking the information. Don't create another unused tool.
- Create unified messaging. You can run a playlist of information 24/7 and even provide different playlists for each shift if need be.
- Track Stats. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and stats can be included in real time such as production metrics, inventory management, reports, performance stats and more.
- Eliminate emails. This overused tool for communication for important safety and policy changes, HR updates, team meetings, and internal communications goes unseen. Find a better way.
- Wayfinding. If your facility is large or laid out uniquely, digital signage can be your directory and help employees and visitors guide themselves through it.
- Safety Awareness and Alerts. Safety is typically a top priority on the floor. Maintain that safety by allowing digital signage to provide real time updates, emergency notifications and alerts when things aren't going as they should.
- Improve company culture and productivity. You can easily recognize individuals for their accomplishments, connect the front and back offices, and promote company wide events. Help everyone feel part of the team, even if they are contractors or visitors.
- Company Branding. Use company logos, colors, themes, mission statements, goals, etc. throughout your published content.
- Integrate widgets and apps. From social media, to news, weather, and sports, to videos, to stats, the options are limitless. You can even have widgets and apps custom designed to do exactly what you want them to do for your company.
Digital signage becomes a great method of communication when you have such a wide variety of staff doing completely different jobs and working in completely different places.
Want to learn more about how digital signage can help unify and streamline communications within your manufacturing facilities? Coffman Media, a digital signage integrator, offers a free client discovery call to help you uncover how digital signage will benefit your manufacturing facility.
Ready to Get Started with Digital Signage?
Get in touch with our team so we can chat about your vision and what kind of digital signage would be best for your business to attract more customers and keep them engaged.